Monday, March 18, 2013

Random thoughts

It's Monday, so it seems appropriate to post some random thoughts and happenings:

*I really think we need to have the rule that you cannot call a mama-in-waiting at unexpected times without texting first. Just a "heads up, I'm going to call you in 2 minutes" type thing. Cause, trust me, when that phone rings and I'm not expecting a can guess where my mind instantly goes. Right up till I check caller id. Now, it's not that I don't want to talk to my amazing friends. I do. I really do. And I don't want any little bit of disappointment to color my voice when I answer (cause as wonderful as you all are, a baby call would still be better)---so, just forwarn me. :) (Although, I did just change the ring tone for the agency so that should give me a heads up, too)

*At school today, my little friend V (who is possibly having a harder time waiting than me) asked me VERY loudly, " Does K know about your babies?". Mind you, K was standing right there. My first thought was, "BabieS? As in plural?? Does she know something I don't?" My second thought was, "We'll, if she didn't remember that you told her 6 months ago, I'm sure she knows now." I just kept walking. Sometimes silence and fake deafness are my best defenses.

*I hit the wall HARD about 2 o'clock today. Like, lay down in a room full of kindergarteners and take a nap anyway kind of tired. Last week my friend assured me this tired-ness, blah-ness, lack of energy-ness was due to Mercury being in retrograde. Not too sure what that means, but it was nice to blame it on external forces, at least. She also said the Mercury thing would end, or whatever it's called, on the 17th. Well, today's the 18th. I'm driving home, a little bitter at Mercury for not righting my world, channel surfing on the radio. I kid you not, the first THREE songs I heard all talked about planets! As I'm giggling over that, the VERY next song I surf into? Wilson Philip's "Hold On For One More Day". Ok, universe....message received.


  1. B- I am joining your posse of friends, cheerleaders, encouragers (is that a word) and fans here to support you on this journey. My road to motherhood was somewhat different but just as treacherous, just as cumbersome and just as fraught with both joy and heartache. I know that the difficulties will only make you more cognizant of the absolute miracle that every child is and, somehow, that gratitude will permeate your soul and that lucky little baby's too. But it will NOT make getting up at the crack of hades ANY easier. (: Sending much love! xoxo

  2. I LOVE THAT SONG! I'm going to listen to it now just cause!
