Saturday, February 22, 2014

How can it be?

I'm not exactly sure how I went from this
to this so very quickly. And how is it possible that the same 3 months that dragged by so excruciatingly slowly last year just flew by this year? 

I think, in the interest of fairness, that when you have to wait what feels like forever just to have your baby then it should take just a little longer for the tiny baby days to disappear.

Don't get me wrong......I love this girl (so much!) just the way she is! And she's so much fun right now!! But.....I look back at those tiny baby pics and can't help but miss that little bundle just a little.'s because I feel like time just flies now and I worry if I blink she'll be grown. 

At three months, Emma is very interested in trying to sit up, talks all the time, has learned how to yell to make a point, loves seeing other babies, sleeps through the night (has for a few weeks) and just today learned how to grab a toy and put it in her mouth. She's been drooling a ton and sucking on her hands and fingers so I'm thinking we are in the early stages of teething. (And if anyone knows where to find little bibs....not the big ones for when they're eating....let me know. I checked three stores today. She can soak a shirt in 10 minutes!) I swear I've heard her say hi and yeah and my dad swears he heard her say no. But, since nobody else has heard it, we're not counting it....yet. :) 

And, while I can all too vividly recall my life before my girl....I can no longer imagine my life without her. She is my sidekick, my missing piece, my miracle. I will forever be grateful.

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