Saturday, March 2, 2013

Feeling grateful

So, tonight I just wanted to share how grateful I'm feeling. I'm grateful for my parents, who reminded me that I am NOT going through this alone. Waiting sucks. It sucks when you're the mama-to-be. But, it also sucks when you are waiting to be grandparents. We're all in limbo. We're all wanting something so badly that we have no way of making happen any faster. I thank God for letting me win the parent lottery.

I'm thankful for friends that I've met on this journey. People who have been on all sides of adoption. I've gotten to know a birth mother (who is now parenting 5 children) who is so excited and supportive of my decision, she has been pumping and freezing breast milk for me. How, exactly, do you ever begin to thank someone for a gift like that? I've gotten to know a woman whose daughter placed her first child (my friend's first grandchild) in an open adoption. Not only is she supportive of my decision, she is always open to answering questions and sharing her story. I've been privileged to join a support group for waiting adoptive parents. Once a month I get to spend an evening in the company of other folks who really get it. Thanks to Facebook, I also get to just chat with them whenever the mood strikes. I'm honored to share the ups and downs of this journey with such a great group of people. I'm blessed to be able to call them friends.

I'm also so very grateful for the friends I've only met online. The amazing and mysterious world of the web has enabled me to connect with ladies who fall into my been-there-done-that category. I am so, so grateful for their support, their advice, their answers to my many, many questions and, especially, for their assurances that my baby WILL come. They are friends in a different sense of the word, but I consider them friends nonetheless. I only hope I can return the kindness and friendship some day.

Finally, I am grateful for those who choose to read this blog. It doesn't appear to be many of you, but it's nice to know there are a few people following along. Please, feel free to leave comments or questions!

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