Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

So, what does a waiting-mama-to-be and two waiting grandparents do to celebrate Easter? Why, have an egg hunt for the dogs, of course! It's actually been a tradition for a few years now, but blaming it on the waiting makes us sound far less crazy. :) 

If you need a good laugh this Easter, do this with your dogs! The fun and laughs far outweigh the crazy! We just put soft treats inside plastic eggs then scatter them around the house. The dogs stand at the door eagerly watching. Once we let them in, it's a free for all. Jack and Kadee are the best at finding the eggs. Baylee's strategy is to follow them around, wait for them to open the egg, then swoop in and grab the treat. Annie likes the excitement, but still doesn't quite get it. We always do two rounds because we all have so much fun. :) 

For some reason, all the dogs think they have to take the eggs back to the big area rug in the living room to open them. Makes clean up and photo ops easier. :) Jack is MIA in the photo above cause he was just too wired to sit still--just like a kid. :) 

Speaking of kids---ought to be interesting the first year we have a baby doing an egg hunt! Don't know how we'll handle the eggs that year! :)

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