Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Love my peeps!

Got back a little bit ago from my 'waiting' support group. I gotta say---I just love those ladies! (Sorry, guys, you're great, too---just not AS great as your wives:) ) From day one, these ladies have included me as one of their own. I'm the only single, but they don't care. We are all on the same journey and that's all that matters. It's so nice to have somewhere to go to chat about the ups, downs and in betweens with people who get it; who don't need explanations or reasons. Don't get me wrong, my family and friends are wonderful and supportive and loving....but they are not in my shoes the way my waiting peeps are. Our group includes a few who already have their babies which is awesome. They've been there, done that and patiently answer all our questions and let us ogle their babies without thinking we're creepy. :) My master plan (cause I obviously get to control all things, right?) is for us to morph into a "we survived the adoption roller coaster" play group. How great for our babies to all grow up together with playmates who "get it" because they all share a common history? My dream come true!

And ladies, if you're reading......notice I said OUR babies. It WILL happen. We will all have our perfect-for-us babies some day.  Just obviously not on the timeline we'd like. :)

1 comment:

  1. Amen Sister. I was in the process of writing a very similar blog. ;-)
