Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Kadee's New Best Friend

Yes, that's a piece of sand paper she's carrying around.
Same piece, being diligently guarded from attack or thievery. 

I decided to restain the footstool in the baby's room. It's the only thing in there that's light wood; everything else is dark. Yes, I am that anal. It just bugs me. Anyway.....so I get all the supplies out to start sanding the shiny finish off the footstool. There's 2 or 3 sanding sponge thingys, a package of sandpaper and then this loose piece. Kadee went nuts when she saw it. Licking it, guarding it, trying to keep Baylee away from it. When I actually started using the piece...oh my gosh, I wish I would have gotten a picture of her face! You'd have thought I was killing her best friend! I have no idea why she is so attached to this one particular piece of sandpaper, but I've decided it's just not worth the fight. She can have it.

This is totally how parents end up letting their kids carry weird things like scrub brushes and night shirts around, isn't it?? 

I'm doomed.

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