Saturday, February 9, 2013

I'm baaaaack

Well, I never really left. Was waiting to post till I figured out how to add pictures cause those are always way more fun to read. But, as you can see, I didn't get it figured out yet. I thought I should post something, just in case anyone actually reads this blog they'd know I didn't join the circus or anything. :) Anyway, here's what's been happening in my little world: * Found out my uncle does have cancer of the esophagus. He will have a PET scan on Wednesday, and they will determine treatment after that. Right now, the doctor is thinking radiation and maybe chemo. My aunt may have asthma---they are trying a few new things. Continued prayers for both of them would be greatly appreciated. * I went to an adoptive parent training class today on how to talk to your child about adoption. There was a live panel (as opposed to a dead panel?) of 6 adults who were all adopted. It was so neat to be able to ask them questions. The best part was that they all saw adoption as a positive thing. So often, I see stories or discussions by folks who are very negative and bitter about adoption. It was refreshing to see a group of been there, done that people who told the positive side. * I got the nursery set up! Full post on that, with an extra post devoted solely to my dresser drama, to come once I figure out the picture thing. * I really can't tell you what I've been doing with my time but, judging by the pile of laundry, stack of papers to be graded, layer of dust and general ickiness of my must have been something good. :) * Angel bunny is holding her own. She seems to kind of like her new location in the house-- maybe because she gets more sunlight and is closer to the action in the front of the house. She's eating pretty well, grooming as best she can and some of her sassiness is showing through again. Looks like we'll be on the roller coaster for a while longer. * Found out today that THREE of the families in our Waiting to Adopt support group have gotten their babies! I am SO happy for them. I am most happy for one of the families---they had a match a few months ago, but the expectant birth mother had a change of heart and decided to parent her child. Turns out, 8 weeks later, the birth mom found that she just couldn't care for him and placed him with them after all! Sure, they missed time with him, but, he was the baby of their hearts and now he's home with them! So, there's a little recap of my life. Pretty much just workin' and waitin'.

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