Monday, February 11, 2013

It's nice to have someone watching your back

So, today I had the installers coming to measure the baby's room for the new carpet. It was a bit of a trial getting it scheduled (apparently, there ARE people who can leave work midday with 3 hours notice). We finally settled on 4:45 today. I teach an after school group on Mondays, so couldn't leave till 4:15. I got a call from the installer at 4:10 asking if I happened to be home. Ummm....nope. Told him I'd be home in about 20 minutes. He said he was going to go get a tea or something and I told him I'd call when I was close to home. I made it home by 4:35 and he was sitting out front waiting for me so I figured we were good to go. Backstory---my neighbor is a former police officer, current firefighter. Unbeknownst to me, install guy had followed her into our neighborhood, driving slowly behind her. He drove around the block a few times then parked in front of my house. And sat. She did what any self respecting single woman with police training who watches out for her equally single neighbor would do......she wrote down his license plate and called the cops. :) She tried calling to tell me this when I first got home..but he was coming up the steps and the dogs were going bonkers so I told her I'd call her back. Guy gets done measuring and goes out to truck to fill out paperwork. I call neighbor back. About the time she's telling me she called the cops on him, they pull up behind him! No sirens, but lights flashing. They must have run the plates or something because, by the time I got outside to do some 'splainin', they had left. Nice to know I'm loved and cared for and watched over. :)

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