Monday, January 14, 2013

Entering the blogosphere!

Don't know if that's even a term! But hey, here goes! So, in my quest to become a single mother through adoption, I have done an insane amount of research. Like, bordering on OCD tendencies. I've joined discussion groups, joined a support group for waiting parents, read all sorts of books, subscribed to magazines, googled every question I can think of....see what I mean? But my best advice and warm fuzzies come from reading others' blogs. Ok, maybe stalking would be more appropriate. Anyway, in my amatuer hunt (I am not very technologically savvy---most things operate by fairies and magic as far as I am concerned), I have not been able to find very many blogs by single women adopting domestically. Although, those that I have found, I am good at stalking! Hi Laura! So, that's how the idea for this blog got started. Maybe, if I'm lucky, my blog can help someone else starting on this journey. I hope I can offer support, maybe some sanity, hopefully a few giggles here and there. If nothing else, maybe someone else will realize that she is not the only one out there feeling slightly crazy for making this decision.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Don't worry I'm a proffesional blog stalker too!
