Monday, January 14, 2013

Where to start?

Ok, so I guess I should start at the beginning. All journeys have to start somewhere--mine started about 2 1/2 years ago. I was nearing a somewhat important birthday, still single, still childless. At some point, you gotta start wondering if some things are just not in the cards. I'd dated, even had one or two I thought  might be in it for the long haul.....but, obviously, not so much. birthday got me thinking. Obviously time to rethink that whole timeline for my life I created somewhere around junior high. You know....married by 25, a few years just us, then start a family and have kid number 3 before turning 35. Yeah...that worked out real well. So...if the prince wasn't going to magically appear ( trust me, you can only kiss so many frogs), could I be ok with that? And, if I was ok flying solo, what about kids? 'Cause one thing I knew for sure was that I could not imagine the rest of my life without a child in it.

Fast forward a year. Still in the same spot, with the same questions. Only now, time feels like it's slipping away. Gotta come up with a plan soon, or be out of options. Really only had 2 anyway--- adoption or pregnancy as a single gal. Which, considering I teach at a Catholic school, was going to need to be miraculous to the point that I'd have to change my name to Mary. But, it did seem to be the way I was going to have to go. I mean, single people can't adopt. Right?

Jump to February of last year. I'm at a friend's daughter's birthday party and spent just about the whole time chatting with a new friend about adoption, agencies and choices. I left feeling very hopeful (thanks Christie!) and with a lot to think about. I did a lot of thinking and praying and researching (the start of the Internet obsession). One day in June, I woke up and just knew, in my head and in my heart, that adoption was the right path for me. It's been a long, sometimes stressful, sometimes complicated process....but I know it's what I am meant to do. It has definitely not been easy...but the good things in life rarely are.

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