Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Out of the mouths of babes

So, in my classroom (in Colorado--important info for later) we have one of those page a day dog calendars. The kids love it. Each day I tell them the name of the dog. Starting in January, I also read where the dog lives and we find it on our U.S. map or on the globe. I hang with these wonderful little people all day, five days a week and so it's sometimes easy to forget how little they really are and how almost everything is still new to them. Today, I read the name and then say "Hey guys! She lives in Colorado." I swear to you, HALF my class yells "Oh my gosh! I LIVE IN COLORADO TOO!" 😀

Also today.....this was my most happy moment.....

One of the little first graders, V, was in my class last year. This summer, I ran into her and her mom and  was asking the mom some adoption questions (V was adopted as a newborn). I told V my plans, which she was very excited about, but told her that she was going to be one of the only kiddos to know. Adoption is such a long, hard waiting game that I just don't think most little guys can handle the lack of a timeline or visible finish line. Anyway, V has been doing great--- she'll sometimes ask about the baby, or let me know she's been praying for the baby...but she'll always make sure no other kids are around.  Today, after school, V and her dad show up at my door and Dad says V has a question for me:

V: WHEN is the baby gonna come?
Me: I don't know, buddy. Hopefully soon. Waiting is hard.
V: But I've been praying and praying for, like, 14,000 years! I pray in the morning and at night and at dinner time too! 😊

So, not only am I praying (and a bunch of other friends and family, too) but this little 7 year old is FAITHFULLY praying on my behalf. That has got to count for something.....

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